Monday, December 11, 2006

Uncivil Servant

Kofi Annan, having enriched himself and ignored calls for reform ends his reign by mooning the U.S. and the Bush administration. This is not what I was promised by My Weekly Reader.

This guy has played the Western World for all it's worth, coddled human rights violators, overseen a record scam and violations of his own organization's embargo. He should be slinking out of New York. The U.N. should relocate to Geneva or anyplace else who wants it, but we should show it the door. Our thirst for peace has made us blind to the insolence of office and the abuse of our good nature. This has gone beyond just being a money drain. Half of our population seems to have more allegiance to the U.N. than to our own nation. But the U.N. has not lived up to it's purpose or the expectations of the post-war world. NATO, the U.S, and Great Britain have fought the Cold War and kept the peace. The U.N. has been a playpen for the unserious and the weak-willed, except where some vicious dictatorship or totalitarian state has used it to hamper our efforts. Its "peacekeepers" are a laughingstock, when they're not committing crimes. It has provided cover to more genocide that anybody since Mao Zedong, in Bosnia, Rwanda, the Congo and now in Darfur.


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