What's so wrong about staying the course?
The top generals in Iraq tell Gates to bring in more troops. This is the "do-something" impulse in full cry.
Could it really be that simple? Or are we already doing the right thing and need to stop obsessing over it and be patient? I'm not sure that more troops will do more than create more casualties. It's pointless to rebuild the nation when terrorists can undo our work with a few car bombs and even cheaper sabotage. Unless we sent in enough troops to guard the borders and occupy every neighborhood, I don't know how we can stop the violence, but even if we could, how would that produce a democratic regime? It would probably just turn more of the population against us. One of the problems that we need to address is the fact that many of the Shiites feel humiliated that America did so easily what they could not. This is their country and their government, and we keep treating them like weaklings and children, there in the Cradle of Civilization, the Fertile Crescent.
This mess is more due to the carping and complaining by angry Democrats and media elites than anything we were doing wrong. This war has never been the fiasco they want it to be, but who knows how to deal with such a monotonous, relentless drone of depressing, dismal defeatism?
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