Saturday, January 13, 2007

The ACLU house organ

otherwise called the New York Times is at it again, trying to raise our fears of our fellow countrymen while denying that we have anything to fear from terrorists. Between losing our liberties to the Bush administration, and losing our lives, peace or security to terrorists and their defenders on the other, I fear the latter more. Those who fear Americans more than OBL, Iranians, Chinese, North Koreans, or even the resurgent Russians are the ones who scare me the most, because they're more likely to lower our defenses and prevent us from acting before things have gone beyond the threat stage.

They are the king-men of our age. They'd gladly watch the rest of us be incinerated if they thought it would get them nationalized health care and a permanent socialist government, which they think would give them power. They're deluded by the E.U./U.N. ideal which more practical people have seen through long ago. If they'd pay half as much attention to protecting our lives as they do to excusing the fecklessness and defalcations of world bureaucracies, we might have a chance, but they put their own fantasies ahead of hard reality.


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