Monday, January 29, 2007

Unexpected consequences file

I must admit, I really like Don Surber's blog. Today he notes the dissatisfaction of the NYTimes that nobody but second tier candidates seems to be interested in taking "free" federal campaign money:

Being an NYT editorial, Bush is to blame: “President Bush is so unpopular that a power vacuum is opening up in Washington …”

The real snit is not stated in the editorial. The NYT is pissed because the politicians are not taking that “free” money from the Federal Elections Commission in exchange for restrictions on how they run their campaigns. Said the NYT:

“Congress should fix the broken public financing system, which has not been significantly updated since it was adopted in 1974. Spending limits need to be raised, to keep pace with ever-rising costs. More money needs to be put in the fund, and there should be more flexibility to help candidates who accept public financing compete against big-money candidates who opt out.”
Taxpayer-financed presidential campaigns have led to millions going to the likes of Ralph Nader, Lyndon LaRouche and Dennis Kucinich.
Hmmm -- I think I meant fourth tier candidates.


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