Friday, May 28, 2010

Where's the Hope and Change?

I'm watching Joe Sestak talking to the press about the call he received from Bill Clinton, who "mentioned" that Rahm Emanuel had "mentioned" that the White House would like to give him an appointment and asked if he were interested. Sestak understood this as a request to drop out of the senatorial primary. He said that he would not drop out of the race; Clinton chuckled and said I knew you'd say that.
What I keep hearing is that this sort of thing goes on all the time in Washington politics, but where is the Hope and Change? It sounds like politics as usual. And how is Joe Sestak any different from other Washington insiders. "I have great respect and admiration for President Clinton.. . . I've asked him for advice." Including when Arlen Specter switched parties. Does anybody really believe that this appointment wasn't tied to Sestak's pulling out of the Senate primary? I don't, and I don't buy Sestak's characterization of it, because of the way he says he responded to Clinton's query.


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