Thursday, July 22, 2010

Out of all the comment arision out of the journolist scandal Roger L. Simon's is some of the best.
These quotes from a private list of soi-disant liberal journalists read like outtakes from some notebook stolen from a proto-Trotskyite home for the aged — and not one of them is faintly clever. What a bunch of fuddy-duddys. Yes, I know Strong was being selective for his own purposes, but still … these guys are writers? Hunter Thompson not. For that matter, Roger Kimball not.

But forget the paucity of imagination and style, what about the group think? These are the independent minds that seek to mold our culture and political lives? Nowhere to be found is an original thought – unless you count accusing Karl Rove of racism as a brainstorm.
I don't know what drove this, maybe a desire to play at the good old days of being part of an underground movement, but without the nerves to give up their elite status.


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