Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another lame attempt by Feminists to seize the name "Mama Grizzlies" away from Sara Palin.

First of all, female grizzlies try to avoid contact with males when they have cubs, because the males will kill cubs in order to bring the female into breeding condition. The females will defend their cubs ferociously, when they can't avoid a confrontation, but that has no analogy to feminism. Female bears do not vie with males in any other situation, because nature doesn't recognize political theory. Some critters have larger females who eat the males after mating, but not grizzlies. I guess having your cub killed by a male would be the Grizzly parallel to abortion rights, but I don't see any female Grizzlies fighting for the right to just turn over the cub and go their way in relief.

Secondly, Ruth Bader Ginsburg? The analogy just isn't going to work! Give it up!
Find another symbol.


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