More Hubris from the Tea Party?
Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe claim to speak for Tea Partiers: "The movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party. It is aiming for a hostile takeover."
Frankly, I think Dick Armey is an ass if he thinks he can lead any movement based on hostility. It's easy to get cocky after a few victories, but as Sharon Angle learned, it isn't the Republican Party they're up against. This kind of nonsense is likely to land him and his followers in a heap out of the running having ruined the best chance in decades to turn things around. We don't need an Armey. We need another Reagan. I think that the midterms are going to be a smackdown for the Democrats, but Armey shouldn't be claiming the credit. He's sounding too much like Tom Delay for me and giving the left and the media too good a target.
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