Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sharon Angle will be roundly denounced for saying that the American welfare state violates the First Commandment by making "government our God." Whether you believe in the Ten Commandments, she's right about liberalism and its allied movements that promote big government being religions. They may or may not claim to worship God, but they all think that earthly power, which they lust for in order, they think, to guide us all to better health, cradle to the grave financial security, heath care, a pristine environment, and so on is the way to bring about the perfect society, Heaven, if you will. The catch is that they believe that government has to have the power to dictate our lives in order to achieve these goals. Every time you point out a failed liberal program, the answer is always that we didn't spend enough or give government enough power. It's an article of faith.

So whatever you think of her religious faith, Sharon Angle is exactly right about government being a false god, an idol. If people want to worship idols, gods, God or be atheists, they have that right, as long as they don't impose it on others or insist that taxpayers support it beyond granting tax exemptions.


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