Monday, April 22, 2002

Cornell West heads South

Personally, I think that African-American studies deserves maybe a week in an American History course. Definitely not it's own department. In any sane world, Cornell West would have been a pimp or a gang leader, anything but a professor demanding that the Ivy League kiss his butt.

American minorities have swallowed up the whole. Everybody has a grudge over something that happened to their ancestors or over something in the present that they don't like.
Genealogy has become a major cause for grievance identification.

We all, white, black, red or yellow, should thank our lucky stars to be able to live here and now,. and quit comparing the hands we've been dealt to find something to bitch about. There's too much pride in everybody's heart, too much anger and superciliousness, and not enough humility and thankfulness. Maybe we all need to spend 6 months living in Africa or Afghanistan just to teach us how incredibly privileged and blessed we are. And how little we deserve any of it.

Cornell West feels he was "disrespected" by Larry Summers who had the temerity to suggest he should start doing his job. Well, Cornell, don't let the office door hit you on your way out. Princeton's idiocy is Harvard's incredible good fortune.


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