Friday, April 12, 2002

Ken Layne denounces the suggestion that bloggers should have a code of ethics. I say, why not?

For starters:

Bloggers should have opinions and attitude and be able to defend them.

Objectivity is discouraged and should be avoided. Any reader who is too stupid to think for him/her/itself or who mistakes rank bias for anything but opinion does not deserve coddling.

Rant whenever the mood strikes.

Do not suffer fools gladly or mercifully.

Good bloggers find the news and views that others won't acknowledge and seek to give it wider attention, particularly if its reliable and has more sense than the New York Times editorial page.

Good bloggers give credit when it's deserved, even to the New York Times editorial page, when it occasionally gets something right.

Bloggers should not deprive themselves or their families to feed their habits. Posting of cute pictures of pets and children are allowed.

Bloggers should never defer to the egos of "professional" journalists, merely because such writers make their living by writing. Susan Sontag makes a living by writing.

Bloggers should never miss an opportunity to puncture pomposity, but should be able to take as good as they give.


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