Curiouser and curiouser.
The sniper may have been identified. So the lone gunman theorists and the terrorist theorists may both be right. It's too soon to rule out anything. The FBI are supposed to be digging bullets out of a tree stump from the backyard of a home recently rented by John Allen Muhammad, aka John Allen Williams. That will make it more definite. I've heard that he may be a Jamaican, which would twist the plot nearly in two..
About a year or 18 mos. ago we had a homicide near Green River, Utah when a drifter from Spokane gunned down an old guy driving a road grader. The killer was carrying a Quran and notes where he had experimented with a list of imagined terrorist groups with "Islamic" in the names. He had traced his route on a map, and was apparently headed to Washington, D.C. before he committed this murder and was sent to prison here in Utah..
Something about Islam seems to attract alienated, violently inclined young men. If the U.S. has too many of these, imagine how many the Arab and Asian Islamic nations must have. My personal view is that Islam, like Christianity and Judaism, was founded on divine inspiration, but apostatized a long time ago. It cost the others an Inquisition, a few hundred years of war and a holocaust to work out their problems--which still haven't been resolved--mostly by separating the power of government from control by religion.
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