Tuesday, November 19, 2002

From Best of the Web, a column by Susan Lenfestey is a wonderful example of bathos. She's too upset by the election to write. I wish she hadn't.

The end of her piece:
Well, I'll quit with that. Looks like grief's moving to anger for many of us. I'm so sick of people saying, "It has to get worse before it gets better." Whose rule is that? Pretty silly way to run the universe, if you ask me.

The truth is, all I want to do right now is write a love letter to Fritz and tell him how his steady decency comforted us in our darkest time. How his energy lifted us. How his courage and selflessness made me proud to be a Minnesotan -- at least until that bleak Wednesday morning. And even then how his grace and dignity in defeat made me proud to be a Democrat.

I guess I'll go sit in the middle of this mossy island and listen to the woods and leave it at that.

I felt like that when Goldwater lost to Johnson, but then, I was 16 years old. After living through Carter's administration and 8 years of Clinton, I think I've grown up a bit.


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