Friday, November 08, 2002

Today I got a copy of a publication called "Funny Times." I had subscribed to it for 6 months a few years back. I decided that its ideas of funny differed from mine. It calls itself "A cartoon paper for people who think." Well, that is sort of funny. Mostly it's just a bunch of left wing nonsense, with cartoons by Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow, Lynda Barry, Bizarro, Ruben Bolling, Lloyd Dangle, RAndy Glasbergen, Marian Henley, Nicole Hollander, Judy Horacek, Keith Knight, Carol Lay, Groenig, P. S. Mueller, Joel Pett, Andy Singer, David Sipress, Mark Stivers, Tom Toles, Dan Wasserman, Shannon Wheeler, Matt Wuerker, Juels Feiffer, Bill Griffith "and lots more!" It also features columns from Dave Barry, but also Michael Moore and Jim Hightower.

It always used to make me wonder what kind of a world these people live in, where everything comes through a lens that confirms their politics. They attempt to make fun of their political enemies, but so ineptly that it just leaves me wondering what the point is.

There are some clever and funny cartoons about life, but most of it is just dreary pseudo-satire about as hip and funny as Walter Mondale. It makes me think of gallows humor, but it isn't that funny.


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