Since everybody else is doing it, I predict that in 2003:
That the North Korean unpleasantness will be discovered to be part of a secret pact with Iraq to provide N.K. with oil in exchange for creating a diversion from the impending war with Saddam.
There will be more atrocities by Muslim terrorists, and the "moderates" will remain silent or blame the victims.
Evangelical "Christians" will continue to claim that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not Christian, that "God hates fags!" and that everyone else will go to hell.
James Lileks will tell us all about potty training.
Glenn Reynolds will hit the big time as a rock star and give up his professorship for life as a glam rocker.
Saddam Hussein will flee Iraq and live in France in opulence.
I will turn 55, unless I die first.
Blogging will replace the nightly news on three of the four broadcast networks.
New York will unveil plans to replace the WTC towers with an enlarged version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Pisa will sue.
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