Thursday, February 13, 2003

Here's a letter to the Salt Lake Tribune trying to shame supporters of war on Iraq.

I suppose he'd feel better about it if our troops were certain to be gassed, just so it would be more fair. Or wait until Saddam gets nukes and uses one. Funny how these people count the dead in war. It's the Viet Nam body count in reverse. The fact that we don't target civilians, while Saddam uses them as human shields cuts no ice. All these deaths, and those caused by U. S. weapons are the only ones that count. As if we can escape blame for all the evil in the world by refusing to do anything about it when it's within our power to do so.

When the U.N.'s peacekeepers blundered around in Bosnia while the Serbs were doing their "ethnic cleansing," we didn't have to squirm as we realized what they were allowing? When the Tutsi's and the Hutus were hacking each other to pieces, it was all right, because the U.N. was in charge? Personally, I feel better that NATO got involved in the Balkans in time to prevent more deaths, even though we did bomb the Chinese embassy in Belgrad by mistake. I just wish we wouldn't have to watch the killing for months upon months before we put a stop to it. We're about 20 years too late in Iraq, but we'll still save a lot of innocent people, just as we did in Afghanistan.


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