Thursday, February 06, 2003

A One-two Punch

James Lileks asks and answers how we can go to war without U.N. approval. We had UN approval for the first gulf war, and look how well that turned out.

Mark Steyn writes that we should quit the U.N.

I agree with them both. Trying to keep the U.N.'s approval is more of a hindrance to conducting warfare than a help. As for getting out, we should have done that long ago, but too many people see the United Nations as a symbol of hope and peace for us ever to drop out. It was built to be ineffective. Look at which nations have vetos in the security council. Now we have Irag poised to assume the chair of its Disarmament Commission, and Libya is on the Human Rights panel. The whole thing is about as real as Girls' State. If people want to go there and play grownups, fine, but I don't see why we should continue to foot the bill. Tne U.N. has had plenty of opportunities to stop genocide and other war crimes and all it could do was provide hostages. Yet, we keep pouring in cash which is then passed on to the likes of the Palestinian Authority, that paragon of democracy and pride of the artificial Palestinian people.

The only reason I can think of for staying in the UN is that it will help leftists get a leg up onto the ash heap of history.


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