Friday, February 28, 2003

Quote from Bernard Lewis on the Arab mentality:
"If you concede points, if you show a willingness to compromise, that shows you are weak and frightened. You hear this again and again about both the Americans and the Israelis: They have gone soft; they can't take casualties; hit them hard enough and they will run. This is Osama's line about the United States. And this is also the underlying principle of Arafat's position regarding Israel."

Attention, UNSC and Mr. Chirac. You have taken these people to your bosom. You'd better learn how they think. (Of course, French security isn't anywhere near as soft on Arab terrorists as the U.N. is.) And while you're at it, you'd better learn how Americans in the Jacksonian tradition think, because if you don't it's going to cost you in the long run. We don't mind extending our reach to protect our friends, but if you turn on us by impugning our motives and calling us imperialist (especially with the history of French colonialism) or otherwise act like Noam Chomsky, we'll never forget it. We don't hate the French, only those who deal with people like Saddam behind our backs and then presume to lecture us about having no culture. Whatever culture means, it doesn't include selling out your friends because you've got a conflict of interest.
When the French elect leaders like Tony Blair, come back and we'll talk, but Jacques Chirac is a weasel (you call them stoats) and so is Gerhardt Schroeder. I just realized that I've been calling him Helmut, but it's Gerhardt. So sue me.


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