Superfluous redundancy of the Day: "We call on Americans to continue to persevere in the face of this evil . . .." Tom Ridge
"Ich bin kein Berliner" award: Donald Rumsfeld's remark that Libya, Cuba and Germany had affirmatively refused to support us against Iraq, AND his refusal to apologize. Germans are verletzt. Washington journalists are puckering. Apparently it's OK for Europeans to make crude insults of our leaders, but to point out their defalcations is insensitive. Es tut uns leid . . .NICHT!
"Et tu, Glenn?" award: Instapundit for his taking umbrage at Bill O'Reilly's reference to "wetbacks." I thought that the term referred to illegal Mexican immigrants, not to all Mexicans. They call us Gringos. So what? As for the outrage over Harlem officials angry at a Libertarian campaign to give Harlem children toy guns, in part to protest a looming ban on toys that look like real guns, I don't think it's racist to tell them not to do this in their neighborhood. It shows a disregard for the First Amendment by people who have used it skillfully themselves, and not small hypocrisy. But I didn't think their complaints were based on the fact that the Libertarians are white. It's a valid point to make that if the Libertarians were black and coming into a white community this response would have been branded as racist, but it still wouldn't be true.
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