Tuesday, March 25, 2003

The Muslim people around the world must be very proud of their brethren fighting for Saddam. Fox News is reporting: Some troops are faking surrender and ditching their uniforms and fighting as guerillas.

The Fedayeen in Basrah are trying to suppress a popular uprising, and using Shiites as human shields in fighting the coalition troops.

In Naseriah, the Iraqi paramilitary took over a hospital and were firing from behind the protection of the Red Crescent

Some Iraqi troops are donning American uniforms and when their comrades try to surrender, shoot them.

There are sporadic reports of Iraqi troops fragging their officers so that they can return home.

Basrah is the second largest city in Iraq. It is out of food and water, and food shipments are being held up by Iraqi mining of Umm Qasr.

I wonder if anything could be done by dropping rations and water from the air. I wish there were something we civilians could do to get relief to themould do from he


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