Monday, April 07, 2003

I finally got to hear the last few moments of Friday's Hugh Hewitt Show which was a memorial to Michael Kelly. I was surprised to hear my letter to Hugh about Kelly and the meaning of what he was doing when he died, being read to conclude the program. I guess if it's good enough for Hugh's program, it's good enough for this blog. It certainly was, and is, heartfelt:
When I hear stories like this, I always think of the line from King Lear:

"Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life, and thou no breath at all?"

This war has produced so much sorrow, but yet so much nobility and hope.

I grieve so much for all the people who have lost loved ones, but then I think about the baby girl, delivered of a refugee woman in Iraq, by a navy medical officer a few days ago, named America by her mother, and I thank God for giving us the opportunity to see this time.


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