Friday, June 06, 2003

Steven Den Beste has a letter from France about the strike underway by unions upset over government reforms of their pensions. So, if I understand this right, socialism doesn't really benefit all of the people equally. What will they tell us next?

I agree that there is a lot wrong with capitalism, but it seems to me that there's a lot more wrong with the idea that the government should control the economy and assure that nobody is poor. As the people of France are learning, someone is always more equal than others. The people who think that capitalists manage everything for their own self-interest are right, but nobody has really been denying that. The ones who try to tell us that they are motivated only by the plight of the deserving poor (Are there any other kind?) are transparent liars. If you seek to provide the most for the most people, you get more by promoting free enterprise and competition than by seeking to guarantee material equality for everybody. Why is that so hard to understand?

I've often thought that if people in Hollywood and pro sports were really as smart as they think they are, they'd have gotten MBAs and gone into business. That's where the big money is. Without business, there wouldn't be any money in anything else. There wouldn't be such a vocation as social worker, advertising person, or fundraiser. No environmentalists either.

Most of our problems arise from people who didn't understand the children's stories we were all told. This one is the one about the goose that laid the golden eggs. If you kill the goose, the supply of golden eggs dries up. Duh.


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