Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Normally, I'd have emailed Instapundit in response to his post about the sobig.f worm that's swamping the internet. Something snide about the "right" to anonymity that seems to keep us from implementing measures that could put a stop to this nonsense. Someday, our children will look back on this civil liberties fetish and wonder how we got to be such morons. I saw a segment on C-Span2 about Mr. Justice William O. "Wild Bill" Douglas, whose lying and sexual appetites make Bill Clinton look like a monk. He was basically a politician who wanted "Supreme Court Justice" on his resume as a stepping stone to a presidential campaign. FDR foiled the plan by staying in office as long as a SCOTUS justice, but Douglas used his power to steer the country to the left and his influence will take far longer to undo, if it ever is.


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