Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Andrew Sullivan's letters from 12/15 has a great one taking exception to Sullivan's description of Saddam as looking like a hobo. The writer's grandfather was an immigrant from Greece who spent a couple of years as a hobo, which he maintained was an honorable way of life. He would have called Saddam "just a bum." It's a good point.

I heard a caller on Hugh Hewitt's radio program say that in the prison where he works, the prisoners were cheering the capture. "If they could vote, they be Bush backers!" Well, guys, thanks but no thanks.

President Bush has real manly appeal, in the sense of this essay about manliness, wimphood and barbarism. Bush I was a wimp as president. W was a barbarian, but he's achieved manliness with the help of a good wife. The U.N. is for wimps. The Axis of Weasels is governed by wimps. The U. S. military has a lot of young men who enjoy behaving like barbarians in their private lives, but they have been disciplined to act like men, and will, if they stay in long enough, emerge men through and through.


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