Wednesday, January 21, 2004

How African is South African?

Students at Omaha's Westside High School were disciplined for "plaster[ing] the school Monday with posters advocating that a white student from South Africa receive the 'Distinguished African American Student Award' next year."

It's funny how students are able to pierce the pomposity and hypocrisy of preceding generations, and how those who are being poked seem to react in the manner most calculated to prove the students' point. I've never known too much history, but after reading several books on the revolutionary period and early U.S. history, I know that "inappropriate and insensitive speech" is pretty close to the exact kind of speech that was intended to be protected by the First Amendment. I recognize that schools need discipline and supervision, but this kind of political correctness and hypcrisy is hardly the way to inspire respect. Professor Volokh makes the point more forcefully.


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