Thursday, March 18, 2004

Dick Cheney

Hugh Hewitt played clips from a Dick Cheney speech yesterday. Cheney is a low key speaker, and if his points were as fatuous as John Kerry's, he'd be hard to listen to. But within his monotone are cogent facts and logic. It's like watching a train. You know where it's headed, and that no silly slogans or talking points will turn it aside or slow it down. And that's why Democrats despise him.

I've been worried by the almost universal antipathy toward the Bush administration in the mainstream media. If the members of that administration have anything to counter it, this may be it. They stick to facts and logic and they pile them up without letting up. I saw Richard Perle on Chris Matthews's show last night as the host peppered him with Democrat talking points and attacks on him. Perle kept his cool and came away unscathed in my opinion. The sad part of it was that Matthews looked petty and silly and that Perle didn't get to make his case without being interrupted every time he tried to speak. I can only hope that American voters aren't as dumb as the media and the Democrats consider them to be.


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