Thursday, June 03, 2004

Doubleplus Ungood

Lileks on the ACLU demand that Los Angeles County remove a tiny cross in its official seal:
Boil it down to this: a piece of paper with the city seal comes down the pneumatic tube. Winston Smith places masking tape over the crosses, picks up his speaking tube. �MemRec insert, city seal doubleplus ungood possible thoughtcrime godsign, new file city seal ungodsign postdate.�

And the crosses on the seal go down the memory hole.
If you don't recognize the argot, it's from Orwell, and it's the perfect answer to those on the left who constantly call things like the Patriot Act "Orwellian." The people like the people who press such silly demands are the true Orwellians. They have managed to persuade the courts that what the First Amendment means is "tolerance is intolerant.

Hugh Hewitt just said cited the National Geographic for the estimate that between 5 and 7 million Iraqis, mostly Shi'ites, have just "disappeared" in the past 20 years. He then asked why the liberation of a people who have suffered genocide is opposed by so many liberals. Good question.


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