Thursday, August 05, 2004

Spam and worms

That's what awaited me after two weeks away from my work computer. I came back to find 3500 email messages waiting, but my email client couldn't handle them. It went into a a permanent "This folder is being processed" response. This is why we all need 3 gigaherz processors. When I tried to look at the raw files on my user folder on the LAN, it seemed that there were about 70 messages containing malicious code, assuming that Symantec identified them all, but the system seemed to have gagged on them.

What kind of miserable lives must people have to think that the way to riches is composing ads designed to get by the measures your "customers" have taken to avoid receiving them? Does anybody really believe that this builds good will? Maybe it works because there are still people out there who are still so foolish as to encourage this crap by actually reading it and visiting the sponsors. Hiring spammers ought to be the kiss of death for anyone trying to sell something, but if it were, we wouldn't still be getting it.

This is the kind of thing that no futurist could predict, because they're all too optimistic to think that porn and sex aids could become such a major factor in the world's economy. We really need a new profession that specializes in fathoming the depths of ignorance, stupidity, cupidity and perversity, or maybe that's just what our technology has programmed itself to do for us. Artificial intelligence isn't going to create a terminator future with amazing machines. It's going to drown us in spam and worms. Will the future will revert to paper and pens, because we just get sick and tired of the rotten fruits of communication technology?


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