Monday, August 30, 2004

Who's the smearer?

Here's a suggestion for the SBVFT' next ad:

Clip of Kerry accusing the Republicans of smearing him.

Voiceover: Kerry says his fellow veterans are smearing him. It's been thirty years, since he said: Clip of Kerry's testimony to the Senate, about Americans routinely beheading people, cutting off ears, killing women and children.

He smeared his fellow servicemen and women and cost them the respect and honor due them when they came home. In an effort to put the dissension and pain of Vietnam behind us, Vietnam Vets let it go. But now Mr. Kerry wants to lead this country and he cites his few months on a Swift Boat in Vietnam as his primary qualification.

So when he accuses us of smearing him, he's just going back to his old ways of making reckless and slanderous accusations for his own political gain.


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