Friday, September 03, 2004

Give 'em hell, Zell!

I missed Zell Miller's speech, but I just listened to it on C-Span. I loved it, of course. It's so powerful that it should be replayed in Bush's ads. It put Rudy Giuliani's into second place.

He said a couple of things I especially liked:

"Where is the bipartisanship in this country when we need it most? . . . Motivated more by partisan politics than by national security, today's Democratic leaders see America as an occupier, not a liberator."

It used to be said that politics stop at the water's edge. Today the Democrats have tossed that principle aside. As it was during the impeachment of Bill Clinton, Democrats are in favor of one-way bipartisanship; they think it's mandated when they want Republicans to join them, but never when it would make them sacrifice their own political ends. Zell Miller is the exception, a statesman when it counts.

[I]t it is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the agitator, who has given us the freedom to protest.

It is the soldier who salutes the flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, who gives that protester the freedom to abuse and burn that flag.

No one should dare to even think about being the Commander in Chief of this country if he doesn't believe with all his heart that our soldiers are liberators abroad and defenders of freedom at home.

But don't waste your breath telling that to the leaders of my party today. In their warped way of thinking America is the problem, not the solution.
John Kerry's response is "You're attacking my patriotism!" I guess I'd say, "If the shoe fits, Senator Kerry!"
This is the man who wants to be the Commander in Chief of our U.S. Armed Forces?

U.S. forces armed with what? Spitballs?
Kerry has just had another mine go off under his boat. It's taking water fast, but he's not admitting it. How can he? He doesn't have anything to answer that speech, except more mush.


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