Friday, October 29, 2004

Let not your heart be troubled.

Neither let it be afraid. As Ann Althouse and one of her emailers explain, the military today would find a bunch of underqualified, unmotivated and bitchy draftees a nuisance, not a help. There will not be a draft again. We are past the days of throwing more cannon fodder at the enemy. Each one of our men and women is better trained and equipped than ever before. They are worth a whole lot of the draftees we sent to Vietnam. I think that the likes of Lyndie England and her boyfriend are not who we want in the military. I think that we should increase our forces, and not be forced to rely so heavily on the National Guard.

I never thought I was big or strong enough to be a soldier. I know I'm not now. But I admire these people tremendously. They've always been heroes to me, especially these days. I'm sure the military suffers from its share of screwups and sad-sacks, but they aren't the tip of the spear. One thing I don't think will get you ahead in the military is lack of ambition or aggression in a fight. Career military folks today are likely to have college and post-graduate degrees in all kinds of areas.


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