Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Dead men fleeing

Hard times for terrorists, but you have to go overseas to read it. This won't be in the NYTimes or the LATimes.

Update: Instapundit links to the same story. This is the kind of reporting that could have being done since this whole thing started but wasn't. "I wish the Americans had come here the very first day and not waited eight months," the words of "A man in his sixties, half-naked and his underwear stained with blood from shrapnel wounds from a US munition," should be branded on the masthead of every newspaper in this country that has spent the last three years sniping at President Bush. I hold them and the broadcast TV news responsible.

I learned a few years ago that the word "succor," which I knew from the Bible, means literally to run or hurry to the rescue. Our troops are there to succor the Iraqi people. It's a noble endeavor, despite the mistakes and false starts, and it could have happened sooner if it hadn't been for the stubbornly negative coverage in the American media and the political bitching from the left, especially from hypocrites who voted to authorize this war and then switched sides. But George W. Bush understands faith, which is a principle of power that can make things happen despite the opposition of evil.


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