Friday, January 21, 2005

Double-plus Ungood

The left has quit using the term "liberal" to describe itself and switch to "progressive." They'd better start looking for a new one, because they're going to need it. The term progressive is a misnomer for a group who opposes the idea that America's policy is "to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in the world." That would be progress, but "progressives" today are more likely to favor withdrawing from the world, turning our backs on oppressed peoples, protectionist tariffs, and disarming our nation. This is not the thinking of intelligent, enlightened people. It is neither realistic or idealistic, unless one considers socialism idealistic, and it demonstrates the real beliefs beneath, to-wit: elitism and a lack of faith in democracy. I'm not sure if the people who protested Bush's inauguration are in touch with reality, or they'd look at their own hate-filled frenzy and realize that it conflicts with all the ideals they espouse. It's the madness of peace marchers who assault police officers and anyone who disagrees with them; the stupidity of volunteering to be human shields to protect the regime of Saddam Hussein; the contradiction of condemning Israel without condemning Palestinian suicide bomb tactics.

I heard one of the demonstrators on Michael Medved's radio program yesterday and was put off by her inability to shut up and listen to comments and questions. All she could do was spew inanities like "Bush Lied" and restating arguments that have been discredited, as if reciting them endlessly would make them true or cogent.

Maybe the correct name for such people is "Oceanians," since they certainly practice the language and philosophy of the workers paradise of Big Brother.


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