Thursday, February 17, 2005

Fighting Back

I suspect that a lot of people loved this story about a bunch of GreenPeaceniks getting more than they bargained for when they tried to storm the International Petroleum Exchange and got beaten up by the traders. These jerks are used to being obnoxious with impunity, but not this time. One thing the French really did right was to sink GreenPeace's ship, the Rainbow Warrior, when it tried to interfere with nuclear tests in the South Pacific.

Donald Rumsfeld apparently had enough of being sniped at by members of the House Armed Services Committee. He announced that he would be taking a break and then going to another hearing, "At 12:54, he announced that at 1 p.m. he would be taking a break and then going to another hearing in the Senate. 'We're going to have to get out and get lunch and get over there,' he said. When the questioning continued for four more minutes, Rumsfeld picked up his briefcase and began to pack up his papers. I saw a clip of him being questioned by Loretta Sanchez and it reminded me of an old bulldog being barked at by a puppy. It was pretty obvious that he was being asked the same questions he had already answered over and over and that Sanchez was preening. Good for him.

Update: Here' an hilarious excerpt from the exchange with Sanchez.


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