Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Krauthammer on Churchill

Tonight on Brit Hume's show: "This guy is to Academia what Howard Dean is to the Democrat Party."

I'm not a big believer in the idea that noisome opinions have to be supported by the public. Academics are supposed to teach, not indoctrinate students in fringe theories without support by facts. The fact that this guy turns out books like rabbits make bunnies doesn't make him an eminent mind. Both Krauthammer and Mort Kondracke said he should keep his job to demonstrate to parents how far universities have moved from the mainstream, but I suspect that neither one really could justify retaining a professor who has built his career on lies. He's not a Native American and he's no historian. His whole specialty is PC run amuck. Would he be getting any support if he taught biology and his views included creationism? He called the people who died in the WTC, "little Eichmanns." What if he'd called them Jews and Niggers? Would people still support him?

He'll probably show up next as a character in South Park.

The second segment with the pundits was about Eason Jordan. I think that CNN is a dead network walking, as long as it stonewalls questions about this doofus.


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