Tuesday, May 17, 2005

$50 for the NYTimes Op-Ed?

I declined to pay $20 a year to the NYTimes crossword puzzles. I'm sure not going to pay $50 to read its Op-Ed columns. Meanwhile, Fortune Magazine makes stories available for blogging links.

Which one gets the new media, and which one fails to recognize that the web is crawling with free, and often superior, competitors to its opinion columnists?


Who needs to pay for magazines and newspapers dripping with liberal bias and hostile reporting. Nobody expects the press to be cheerleaders, but the media really need to get over the idea that their customers depend on them to be told what to think.

Along a similar line, India's government recognizes bloggers as journalists, while America, the birthplace of press freedom and freedom of speech, is discussing how to regulate them under campaign finance laws.


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