Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Chuck Schumer! I mean it; chuck him

What is it about Chuck Schumer that so annoys me? It's not just his liberalism, although that generally annoys me in anybody. I think it's that he always states his opinions as if they were indisputable facts and his agenda as if he's got 90% of the population behind him. It's the outraged way he states things as though nobody should dare oppose his views. Chutzpah. Pushy. Obnoxious. Arrogant. Whining. Dishonest. Casuistic. Sneaky. Contentious. Et cetera. In short, he's a weasel. But that's unfair to weasels. He's the shameless partisan without a shred of honor, pride, principle or dignity, and he's sold his soul to NARAL.

I can never see or hear him speak without thinking of Grimma Wormtongue.

The reason I think Roe v. Wade was such a bad decision is not just that I disagree with abortion, but that it harmed the judicial system itself by granting a political victory which advocates could not obtain through political means. I think anybody who thinks it through would realize that courts should not be making policy by judicial fiat. In a democracy, decisions like whether to legalize abortion require lots of public discussion and debate. Basically, the courts violate the separation of powers when they presume to bypass the political process, which is how policy is supposed to be established. Schumer is either incapable of seeing the importance of judicial restraint or he doesn't care about democracy.


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