Friday, August 26, 2005

Demonstrating what?

I remember thinking as I perused photos of the doings at Camp Casey yesterday, that it looked like there was plenty of money sloshing around. I'm sure Cindy didn't pony up for that tent that looks like the Denver airport or the row of Porta-potties, or all those little white crosses.
There is real reluctance to talk about whose [sic] paying. And the PR machine that's promoting Cindy Sheehan. But not everyone here is completely comfortable with it.

Gold Star mother Karen Meredith went to Crawford from Mountain View. Her son Ken Ballard died last year.

Karen Meredith: "Sometimes things don't feel quite right to me. They don't feel wrong but maybe that's how they do it in the marketing business."

ABC7's Mark Matthews: "You feel you're part of a marketing business?"

Karen Meredith: "Possibly. Yeah I think so."
I wonder how many well-paid activists are involved.

(HT: Instapundit)


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