Friday, August 19, 2005

Do you feel a chill?

Wesley J. Smith:
Scientists who want to testify in favor of a ban on human cloning are warned that if they do, their careers are over, that they will be branded "anti-science" and no longer be invited to participate in seminars or write book chapters. If they don't have tenure, they will never get it. If they do, they will be shunned, shunted to a corner and forced to teach "punishment" freshman classes, rather than their usual advanced or post grad courses.. . . (See here)

I think the suppression of heterodox views in science on university campuses is as big a story as the suppression of conservative thought in the social sciences on university campuses.
So Science has now become the Church of Galileo's time. Thank goodness they only have the power to end your career.

I think the fuss over intelligent design bothers me not so much because I want to see it in the curriculum, as because I think kids need to be taught that scientific thought should always be open to questions. There are lots of gaps in the fossil record and we can't analyze the DNA of fossils. We've already learned that classifications based on structure alone may be misleading. There's always more out there waiting to be discovered. No science student should be taught that prevailing models cannot be questioned.


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