Monday, October 31, 2005

Career ruination.

Joe Wilson is whining that Scooter Libby ruined his wife's career. True or not, it doesn't add up to endangering national security, or even endangering his life. If Congress wanted to make it a felony to ruin someone's career, it should have said so.

The last word in hypocrisy goes to Bill Clinton for this gem:
I like Joe Wilson, the man who was the target of the wrath of somebody in the administration. But he didn't vote for me in '92. He voted for former President Bush and he said so publicly. He's a career diplomat. He didn't deserve to have his career ruined and his wife didn't, because he wouldn't say what they wanted him to say, which was that in Niger they sent uranium yellow cake to Iraq. He knew there was no evidence about it, and he wasn't going to lie about it. And he shouldn't be punished for it.


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