Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Semper "Worn Out" Murtha?

Great line from Mark Steyn about John Murtha's defeatism:
Also, the United States Army is "broken," "worn out" and "living hand to mouth." If the reaction to Murtha's remarks by my military readers is anything to go by, he ought to be grateful they're still bogged down in Iraq and not in the congressional parking lot.
A congresswoman from Ohio has been pilloried by the left for quoting one of her soldier constituents calling Murtha a "coward." But she didn't make that accusation. The soldiers he claims to care so much about made it. Do the Democrats want to suppress the free speech of those men and women to cover for one of their own who has called them "Worn out?"

Murtha did serve in Vietnam. He's a former Marine. That's fine and honorable, but it doesn't give him a pass for stupid utterances or for supporting porkbarrel spending, anymore than John Kerry's service made all of his dumb pronouncements valid.

Update: Today, Murtha put his foot further down his gullet by clarifying his plan for deploying our troops "over the horizon" as meaning Kuwait and Okinawa. I suppose the terrorists aren't likely to follow them to Okinawa, but in Kuwait they will.


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