Monday, December 12, 2005

The voting in Iraq

It has begun, but
Five Islamic militant groups, including al-Qaida in Iraq, denounced Thursday's elections as a "satanic project," vowing to continue their war to establish an Islamic regime
Well, they obviously know a lot more about Satan than they do about anything else.

In my religion, we believe that before mortality, we participated in a great council in which God presented his plan for us to come here and be allowed to know the difference between good and evil, and be tempted, after which we would be judged by whether we chose the good and rejected the evil. The reason it had to be that way is that you can't have a fair judgment without having more than one choice. You can't have a valid election without more than one choice.

Muslims believe that there will be a final judgment, yet many claim that we have no real freedom and that everything that happens is God's will. It's a logical impossibility to have a fair judgment and punishment if those being judged have no ability to choose their actions.


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