Friday, December 09, 2005

What are the options?

Homan Jenkins, Jr. speculates what current events would be had we not deposed Saddam.

Funny. I watched part of an hour this morning with Fred Kagan on C-Span's Washington Journal where one of the callers asked the same question. Kagan gave a number of the same answers.

Perhaps a more pertinent question would be what would happen if we pull out too soon, as Democrats keep saying we must? Would be the current government there survive or would we soon have a new regime headed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? Would there be a civil war with the Kurds in the North proclaiming a Kurdish state, and would Turkey allow that to happen? What if Saddam just hid his WMD and they fall into the hands of terrorists?

Here's another analysis the question.

This is why Dean and Pelosi and Kerry are so irresponsible. They haven't thought it through. I've tried, and I can't see any way things would be improved there by pulling out our troops before the Iraqi Army is ready to deal with the terrorists and we can see that they're getting the idea of politics rather than assassination.

And how long would it be before we'd have to go back and overthrow another dictator or a second Taliban?


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