Monday, February 27, 2006

Bring back that old-time (Seventh Century) religion.

Thomas Lifson notes the hostility of Islamists to intellectual property. Having no recent inventions to their credit, unless you go back to the Ottoman Empire, or count IEDs, they seek to undermine Western society by attacking its underpinnings:
It turns out that the very internet which is powering so much innovation and efficiency is being used to build a political movement to destroy all technological dynamism. These guys may be crazy, but they are smart. Intellectual property is the bedrock foundation of modern life.

Without the ability to protect (and profit from) intellectual property, there will be no innovation. Nobody will have an incentive to do things differently from the way they have always been done. The phrase for such a world is The Dark Ages.
How many automobile factories are there in Arab countries? Where will they get their WMD when the Western world has stopped making them?

Sometimes I think that most of the ideas that make Western civilization strong are found in fairy tales and Aesop's Fables. This one is the goose that laid golden eggs. I can't really think of any stories from the 1001 Nights that have a point except escapism.


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