Monday, May 08, 2006

Can't two live as cheaply as one anymore?

I'm sorry. I just don't trust attempts to solve the problems we've created by abandoning values with more new fixes. I think that the source of most of our social problems is due to the decline of the idea of commitment in marriage and the idea that a woman can't be fulfilled without a career. Some want careers, and who am I to begrudge them, but it shouldn't be mandatory.
I fully realize that men need to do more than be couch potatoes at home, which is why I admire James Lileks and Glenn Reynolds, who seem to take the view that being a dad is a duty as well as a neat thing.

The important thing for me is raising children, and enjoying it. I have as much guilt as anybody, but I know that my children know I love them. We need moms and dads who want and embrace parenthood and passing on good values to children. There are certain irreducible requirements and if it means forgoing the boat or the camp trailer or the HDTV or whatever, it's better if the kids have one parent home with them, when they can't have two.

I'm not really convinced that we have to have two incomes in every home. I don't know what others' circumstances are, so I won't criticize anybody, but I think we could all do better if we tried.

I worry about kids raised in day care centers, etc. I hope we're realizing the problem and swinging back to emphasis on complete families, but I'm afraid there is a permanent split among us like there is in so many other things.


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