Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Another Phoney War

The real showdown in the GWOT is coming. The struggles to avoid it do not help our side.

The advantage of the West is our military might, but it is worthless if we're not willing to use it. There is no way to conduct a perfectly clean war, one in which non-combatants are spared, especially where the enemy hides among civilians and refuses to identify himself. That means that lots of innocents will be killed. However, we must not allow our qualms to overcome our determination to win. By "win" I mean the destruction of the Iranian regime. We must not allow the Mullah or Mr. Ahadinejad to acquire nukes, as we did North Korea. We must recognize that in such a situation, where the enemy violates the Geneva convention as Hezbollah does, the innocent deaths are chargeable to the terrorists. Nobody desires to kill noncombatants, but we may have no choice, if we aren't willing to allow terrorism to continue to menace the world. They, like the Terminator, will not stop sending out gullible young men and women, even children, to act as living, moving, intelligent land mines.


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