Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What's with the NIE?

The liberal press and Democrats act like this NIE (from last April, btw) is a smoking gun, despite what it really says, "We've gotta win in Iraq."

I note that a lot of the left are dredging up the NIE from when Bush came in that said Bin Laden was determined to attack us on American soil. Of course, it gave no specifics about what to look for or what he might try. They could have spoken to John O'Neill if the FBI weren't so busy driving him out. It's all so clear 6 years later. Clinton had sufficient warnings but he left it up to his advisors to decide what to do. Before 9/11 the consensus was that we would draw down universal condemnation if we'd gone after the Taliban. That all changed when the WTC was brought down. But now the left is minimizing even that. They are either demanding a bug out or insisting thtat we send in more troops, which was LBJ's solution to problems in Vietnam. Fine, but they still don't how to run a war. They're busy driving everybody with military credibility out of the Democratic Party.


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