Sunday, December 31, 2006

Almost 2007

As this year closes, I remember that a year ago, I began my retirement. I'd hoped to work three more years, but it wasn't to be. It's been boring and frustrating, but tempered by the birth of our first grandson, the thrill of which has been overwhelming. Miracles surround us, yet we fail to see them. Life goes on. Reason can't explain it, but the emotions of seeing my sons pass through their own stages tell me that it has great meaning and that nature, which disallows the loss of the slightest amount of energy or matter, would be quite profligate and irrational to bring us into being only to snuff us out.

Is all the sorrow and pain unbalanced by joy and sweetness? Are only those whose lives are written about given any immortality? Somehow, that strikes me as a violation of natural law, and it whispers that the greatest scientist of all is God.


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