Monday, December 04, 2006

The Irony of calling yourself Progressive

Alec Rawls has posted one of the best essays I've seen since Mark Steyn's America Alone. Steyn gives us more credit than we deserve, considering that we produced most of the Champions of Death, like Paul Ehrlich, John Muir, Al Gore and Rachel Carson, and all the useful idiots in Hollywood and the Media who purvey their nonsense to the masses.

This is progress? Maybe for those few who assume that fewer of the Great Unwashed means more for them, but where do they think their own prosperity comes from? Here's a hint: There is no business without customers.

As I think about the predicted death of civilization occuring in Europe, Russia and Japan, it's ironic to remember that once all the progressives have progressed out of existence, there will be some left who hew to the old values who could rebuild their cultures, if the late multiculturalists hadn't invited in so many "guest workers" who deplore that very concept, and won't care if the native cultures die. At least other have the excuse that they didn't deliberately spread the Black Death or trigger the eruption of Mt. Toba, but who'd believe that we convinced ourselves that we are the plague and just decided to do voluntarily what nature didn't do to us?


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