Thursday, July 22, 2010

Obama does Standup

At the signing of bill to reduce improper federal "spending*"
Obama also appeared to be talking to his critics when he said, "When we continue to spend as if deficits don't matter, that means our kids and grandkids may end up saddled with debts that they'll never be able to repay." He added, "The reality is that right now given these difficult economic times families are cutting every frill and stretching every dollar as far as they can. They should expect no less from their government." [italics added]
One expects him to conclude with "Live from New York! It's Saturday Night!"

*I put this in quotes because the bill is aimed at "Improper Payments," disbursement induced by fraud, mistakes, typos, etc. It claims to save $110 billion. The President said "means cutting down on waste, fraud and abuse, and ensuring that our government serves as a responsible steward for the tax dollars of the American people," but a lot of his own programs will increase that waste and abuse. If he really wants to "cut every frill and stretch every dollar," he could start by repealing the stimulus, health care and financial regulation laws pushed by his administration.


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